Julianastraat 2B

Mill, 5451BP


Available 24/7

Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm

Saturday by appointment

Hageland Cup 2025

The HAGELAND CUP will be played on Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 May 2025.
Anno 2025, wordt er gespeeld op de sportvelden van:
Sporta Spot Tongerlo (location 1)
KFC Tongerlo (location 2)
KSK Kasterlee (location 3)
RWL Sport (Location 4)


Sporta and KFC Tongerlo are next to each other, the other three are 25 minutes away.
Sporta Spot Tongerlo has numerous accommodation options.

The HAGELAND CUP is a two-day international youth football tournament in which several European and non-European teams have participated.

On Saturday, each team plays 3 matches in its group.
On Sunday, the best from each pool will play against each other to compete in 3 or 4 games for the fantastic HAGELAND CUP TROPHY, and other teams will continue in the losers pool, also playing three more games.

The teams that have achieved a lesser result on Saturday will also play 3 games on Sunday for a specific place. On the website (www.hagelandcup.be) and our tournify app, you can follow every day what will happen during this event.

Finally, I wish you all a pleasant stay at our 34th edition of HAGELAND CUP

Tournament information

During the tournament days you will not receive a tournament book. Two weeks before the start, everything will be sent by email.
Ie, the tournament schedule for Saturday and Sunday, rules, playing locations, player lists, and if you have booked accommodation, also the accommodation.
So make sure you provide the correct email address.

Let op: betreft dispensatie spelers(ters), 3 spelers(ters) in  het team, één jaar ouder dan de leeftijdsgroep aangeeft. Dit geldt voor alle landen (behalve Engeland en Wales). Een team bestaat uit spelers en reserve spelers.
Except England and Wales: Players from these countries can be 4 months older because they count per age group from September 1 to August 31 instead of January 1 to December 31. Here, no dispensation applies to players.

Check the classifications regularly, because groups, groups and teams can change.

There will be prize ceremonies on Sunday, so don't forget to pick up your prize at the secretariat afterwards. We cannot send prizes after the tournament.

Play schedules

The group matches will be played on Saturday, May 24, and the placement and final matches on Sunday, May 25.
On Saturday and Sunday you play in half days, ie you play before noon or after noon, so that you can undertake other activities besides the tournament. Please note: Due to the number of teams, we cannot fulfill any wishes regarding the part of the day you play.

The placement matches and finals are played on Sunday, with the total age group meeting at one sports park. 

Large field plays 1×30 minutes, small field 1×20 minutes.

Player lists must be handed in on Saturdays and Sundays at the sports park where you play, at the secretariat.


Hageland Cup Fanzone

Our HAGELAND CUP FANZONE is open on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, for drinks, snacks, games and questions.
There are also various food trucks at the parks.
You can only buy drinks and snacks with Hageland Cup tokens.
The tokens have a value of one euro per token. You can only buy these with cash or by debit card at Sporta and the canteens. Please note, each sports park has its own tokens, which you can only pay with at the relevant sports park. You cannot exchange them and pay for them at other sports parks. There is an ATM available to exchange money if necessary.

Opening hours:
Friday from 12 noon to 1 a.m..
Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 2 a.m..
Sunday from 8:30 AM to 10:00 PM.

We wish all associations a fun and sporty tournament, on behalf of Tiny van Gemert Sports and co-organizing associations.